Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week 9: An unforgettable experience!

This week was full of achievements, hardships and new ideas! I had a kind of a race with time since I wanted to submit my project report before the deadline and have enough time left to help my partner Sylvia as much as I could to review her report! It was an exciting experience though.

The chosen topic for discussion this week was of paramount importance because we sometimes go with the stream of the lesson and we forget about all those categories of learners. Learning styles of our students are different sure and we have to cater for all of them at the same time.
I’ve done a Woman’s Day workshop with my students and we invited two American teachers from the University of Ibn Zouhr, Agadir. We had an exciting session! The students seized the opportunity to ask our guests some questions and discuss the American & Moroccan cultures.I realized how it’s important to care for the different learning styles of our students through various activities!
The course evaluation survey reminded us of the ending of a wonderful experience with a bunch of illuminating ideas from very generous & highly qualified people. I really appreciated your company along this time, though it’s very short! Our success in this course is a key to an ongoing professional development.
Congratulations to all the participants and many thanks to our instructors!


  1. You inserted great graphics to complement the learning styles that we have learnt this week.

    Great work Afa!
