Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 6: More Interaction!

             This week was hectic for me trying to manage doing everything in one time!
 I started reading about all the topics of the week; engaging students, teaching large classes, interactive ppt…Then I went applying the techniques of an interactive ppt for the first time! I used the hyperlinks, audio and pictures in different attempts.
It was time consuming but an interesting job! 

              Using technology tools to create students-centered classes is the best way to deal with large classes. We can use the four skills websites, interactive CDs, interactive ppt… Very simple technology can make a big difference. Few years ago, I used to bring an ipod and small speakers to the classroom. This created a huge difference especially when I teach in a remote area. Now, with all the technology at hand one can even be more creative.

               In our Moroccan context, large classes are one of the big problems that the EFL teachers suffer from. It needs action research, professional development and resourceful schools. Also, teacher initiatives can do a lot based the facilities of the web.
               For my project, I started last week with a demonstration of how to create an account on Weebly and how to post information for a digital portfolio. I received emails from most of the students telling me that they did the first steps and still working on the rest. I hope next week will be more fruitful!    

         I wish you all a nice weekend!