Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week 4: A professional grouth!

Despite all the difficulties like time pressure and low connection…, this week was very fruitful for me!

Through nicenet discussions I found lots of very useful website and ways to use them(ABCD objectives).
Now I have a list of excellent sites, some of them bookmarked on my delicious page!

What I liked most about this week’s assignments was the lesson plan because I had to precise:
What is the objective of the lesson?
How to achieve it?
How to check the results?
What technology to use?
What’s the alternative plan if things didn’t go well?
The variety of the websites shared by my generous colleagues here make life easier for EFL/ESL teachers around the globe.
The project task for this week spots the main problems we face in our classrooms with our students and by sharing those problems, we'll find out ways to solve them using technology.

My objective of joining this course is to grow professionally. So, week after week, Ifeel the improvement .That's just wonderful!


  1. Hi Afa,
    I do agree with you that collaboration is a great tool. Due to our class mates we learn so many new things and can solve so many problems.
    I really appreciate everyone's contribution to the discussions to the Nicenet.
    Ludmila, MOldova

  2. Hello Afa,

    I agree with you that week four is a great help for all and interesting! I makes everyone works and generates new ideas and communicates well!! Thank you!!


  3. Thank you Ludmila & Salam!
    That's very kind of you!
    I wish you all a successful course!
